Therapy > Devitalization
Surgical or simple gingival curettage is a procedure suited for people with periodontitis, who suffer from uncomfortable or severe gum problems. We advise patients and everyone who asks us about this procedure, to undergo curettage only at an adult age, preferably after 20 years old.
Curettage is a treatment that not only benefits oral health but health in general. It improves the aesthetics of the teeth and gums, acts specifically by eliminating bacterial plaque, reduces the risk of tooth loss, prevents bad breath, and reduces the danger of cardiovascular diseases.
Price depends on the treatment plan chosen for your needs. Contact us for more.
The procedure lasts about 60 minutes, for one or two appointments.
No, you don’t have to repeat this procedure, unless the treatment fails to be permanent in the patient’s mouth.
If the patient has not done the procedure, they may experience frequent infections and pain. To treat it, patients can do endodontic treatments, apical resection, or nerve extraction.